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Uzbekistan, a Land of Eternity and Nature

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Uzbekistan, a Land of Eternity and Nature

Uzbekistan, located in Central Asia, was created in 1991 after gaining independence from the former Soviet Union. In the past, Uzbekistan flourished as a stopover on the Silk Road, a trade route between East and West, and was called an oasis on the Silk Road. Even today, its cityscapes are reminiscent of the history of the Silk Road.

A beautiful city of different cultures

Uzbekistan has a mixed history of different cultures: the Islamic period of the Arabs, the Mongol Empire, the Timurid dynasty, the Uzbek period, and the modern Soviet period. Timur, in particular, left to posterity a fascinating blend of Persian Islamic and Eastern and Western cultures in the then capital city of Samarkand, with its religious architecture.

Samarkand was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2001 as the Samarkand Cultural Crossroads.

Richly varied natural environment

Uzbekistan is one of only two dual landlocked countries in the world (*) and is surrounded by mountains except in the western part. The southeastern part is a plateau area extending from the Tien Shan Mountains, which is higher in elevation than neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The annual precipitation is very low, about 30 days per year, with an annual rainfall of 200-300 mm (over 1,700 mm in Japan), and approximately 80% of the country is deserted flat land.

Uzbekistan has an inland climate, with extreme temperature differences. Summers can be extremely hot, around 40°C (104°F) and sometimes over 45°C (45°F). Average winter temperatures range from -2 to 3 degrees Celsius with days as low as -10 degrees Celsius. Dry and sunny days prevail.

*Double landlocked: A country that must cross two other countries to reach the sea. Only Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein fall under this category.

Climate Benefits

The benefits of Uzbekistan's climate can be seen in all aspects of agriculture, including beekeeping. For example, with regard to cotton cultivation, a major industry in the country, Uzbekistan's high latitude makes it the northernmost region in Asia where cotton can be grown. Because of the large difference in temperature, the country is almost immune to pests and weeds. Biological pesticides (natural enemy pesticides and microbial pesticides) are used in limited cases where pest and weed control measures are necessary, such as in cases of abnormal reproduction. Agriculture that does not rely on chemical pesticides has been realized.






447,400㎢ (about 1.2 times the size of Japan)


32.8 million (as of 2019)

[Capital] Tashkent


Uzbek (83.8%), Tajik (4.8%), Kazakh (2.5%), Russian (2.3%)


The official language is Uzbek. Official language is Uzbek; Russian is also spoken.

[Religion] Mainly Sunni Islam.

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